Sciatica Self Treatment

Get Rid of Chronic Back Pain, the Healthy Way

Lower back pain is one of the most prominent pains which  affects the majority of the population worldwide at some point in their lives. There are various lower back pain remedies available in the medical market. But, there is still a lot of debate as to which is the best one around. It has been established by medical professionals that lower back pain reduces or become absolutely resolved within a month from the time it starts. This is the reason why doctors do not advise an X-Ray or an MRI within this time period.

On the other hand, chronic lower back pain is a subject of great concern. To treat this, one may require spinal surgery, nerve repair or decompression therapy. In such a condition, the patients seldom go for a single treatment. The doctors suggest some prescribed medications for all those who suffer from acute pain in their backs. A nutritionist walnut creek may refer some changes in the diet of the patient in order to improve his condition.

Depending upon what suits the patient best after studying his improvement chart, the medical practitioner may change the medicines or alter their doses. But in this case, it is important to understand that a long term intake of anti inflammatory drugs may cause damage to kidney and liver along with gastric irritation. To avoid such a situation, these medicines should only be taken only if there is a situation when they are certainly required.

Sometimes, muscle relaxants are also prescribed to take care of the lower back pain. Unless the pain is due to muscle spasms, muscle relaxants generally have little or no effect on the case. There are some really effective medicines that are quite effective but their prolonged use may increase the risk of heart stroke or heart attacks. Some other lower back pain remedies include medicines such as steroids and opioid analgesics which are prescribed for short term use only. They are referred to only such patients who have responded well to this drug in getting rid of the pain. Some patients, who avoid medications, may go in for simple treatments including TENS, heating pads, or application of topical rubs that have proved effective in relieving lower back pain.

A Simple Back Pain Cure

Why is back pain so common and a back pain cure so hard to find? Well I have some good news finally, below is a simple technique you can use now to relieve pain. Just imagine the relief when your pain eases, you can get out and about and enjoy life yet again.

Can I warn you first?

What I'm about to show you will help with pain relief now. Only briefly, but it will ease it. My warning is this.
Please act now, don't ease your pain and then stop. Don't wish or hope it away, because it just won't go away. You literally need to do something about it. You truly do need to find the cause and then remove it.
I read recently the latest backpain statistics. They said that right now, at this point in time,over 47% of adults have back pain. Worse still, most of those go on to have chronic pain. All because only the symptoms were treated, not the cause.

Relieving pain is easy, first you find the cause, and then you rebalance your muscles and joints and finally improve your healing and recovery rate. It is that simple. But I digress...
Like I said, what you can do now to relieve backpain is the following. The method below is a very simple and quick back pain cure.

Stand up with your arms stretched out wide. Have your feet shoulder width apart. Then slowly turn as far as your can in one direction. At the end (stop when you feel a pulling sensation, not pain), hold there for 2 seconds and the turn in the opposite direction.

If you do this for 2 minutes, you will notice two things: first you can turn more and more, secondly your pain eases.

By doing this you are actually stretching the entire spine and especially the smaller muscles around the joints that are tight and tender. It should relieve back pain quickly, then you should find the underlying causes and remove them.

7 Simple Ways to Cure Back Pain

Chronic back problems and frequent back pain is just too common in modern lifestyles. If you work in office or spend a lot of time behind the steering wheel then you are likely to be suffering with some sort of discomfort in the lower back. To action these problems have a look at the 7 ways you can rid yourself of those niggles for the rest of your life:

No matter how much you workout in a gym or attend classes do you still have those niggling back pains that keep you from achieving your goals and frequently visiting your therapist?
Approximately 75% of the population suffer with chronic back problems or have had back pain in their lifetime!

Here's the solution to your back pain with 7 simple changes you can make!

1. Assess your ankle mobility - by putting your toe against the wall and without lifting your heel of the ground push your knee against the wall. If you feel a stretch in the back of your lower leg (calf muscle) then work on flexibility in that muscle. If you feel it's trapped in front of the ankle then you have a mobility issue. You can increase mobility using this simple wall exercise and with improvement you should be able to take your foot further away from the wall and still get your knee to touch without lifting the heel.

2. Hip Alignment - this happens because of improper or asymmetrical movement. If you have a flat back (often due to high heels) it could mean, in basic terms, that you have tight hamstrings pulling your hips downward causing your back to flatten too much, in this case work on flexibility of the hamstrings.

3. Tight Hip Flexors - from sitting for too many hours you could have tight hip flexors on the front of your hip which could pull your hips down at the front causing excessive curvature of the lower spine (hyperlordosis) again work on stretching of the hip flexors and quads and strengthen the muscles at the back of leg (hamstrings).

4. Activate those Glutes - Strong glutes form the powerhouse of human movement and maintain a healthy spine. Work on exercises like bridging, squats, lunges and deadlifts etc!

5. Postural Awareness - especially those who have office jobs or drive long distances. Subtle prompts can help to stop slouching like off setting the inside mirror of the car which encourages you to sit up straight to view the rear properly. Setting up ergonomics at your office workstation to use both sides equally and view your monitor without slouching.

6. Stabilize the Spine - Practice core strength exercises that focus on stabilizing the spine e.g keeping the spine still whilst moving your extremities, like the deadbug exercise and the plank, you could challenge yourself by setting the clock to see how long you can do the plank for and work on improving your time!

7. Stay well Hydrated - water along side a good nutritional plan can surprisingly help. Being dehydrated takes water away from the spine to use in other areas of the body. Aim for around 2 litres per day.

Natural Remedies For Back Pain

It is impossible to avoid back pain completely, as it will inevitably be a factor for everyone at some point in life. The National Studies of Health claim that back-pain is one of the most common neurological issues in the United States. The best thing you can do if you're experiencing back pain is to have the proper assessment made by a health care professional. Only a doctor can determine the root cause of your symptoms - whether your back pain comes from a simple strain or a more serious disorder such as a tumor, herniated disc, osteoporosis, or many other possible factors.

1. Get Regular Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is often the chosen method of treatment for relieving back-pain naturally. Using spinal manipulation, a chiropractor can restore proper alignment of the joints. For instance, where joint function has been limited due to strain, pain, or inflammation, your doctor might apply controlled force to return them to optimal health. Tightness, soreness, and tingling are often lessened to unnoticeable level with regular chiropractic treatments. Acute back-pain and sciatica are two chronic conditions that can benefit the most from a reputable chiropractor.

2. Start With a Massage

For many people without serious back issues, a therapeutic massage can be a pleasant way to improve back pain. During massage, toxins are released from the precisely applied pressure and rubbing on the back. There are many studies that claim massage is useful for chronic pain, depression, and other ailments in addition to back-pain. Women that deal with extreme lower back-pain during pregnancy often choose massage as the first choice, as it proves to be a healthy method for lessening the suffering.

3. Let Acupuncture Relieve the Pain

Recent studies from Sheffield University claim that lower back-pain relief can be attributed to acupuncture. Not only do patients experience less back-pain in general, the overall stress and worry that accompanies the pain is relieved as well. Some believe that blocked energy is the cause of back-pain, Acupuncture needles enter the blocked pathways, and release the energy. Scientifically, the needles help the body release opioids to soothe the nervous system.

4. Regular Exercise

Strengthening, stretching, and other forms of physical therapy can help back-pain sufferers develop stronger muscles and prevent further pain issues. Physical therapy trains the back and spine to function at its highest level. A strong core and healthy back are the key to pain prevention. Of course with more serious back issues, physical therapy may only be one part natural treatment plan that includes chiropractic care or massage. Low-impact aerobics are very effective, as the muscles become strengthened as a result; typically forty minutes three times a week is the standard, depending on the particular circumstances and the severity of the pain.

Although there is no clear evidence that it is possible to completely prevent back-pain, there are a variety of methods that can lessen its severity and the frequency of occurrence. Through exercises that focus on conditioning and strengthening the core of the back, it is possible to postpone the time that it takes before back-pain becomes an issue. Trying different sleep positions, staying at a healthy weight, and adhering to a proper diet can greatly improve current back-pain, and postpone as well as lessen future pain.

Patients that have chronic back pain should see a doctor of chiropractic who can determine the causal factors of their pain and layout a plan of treatment using natural methods.