Sciatica Self Treatment

Get Rid of Chronic Back Pain, the Healthy Way

Lower back pain is one of the most prominent pains which  affects the majority of the population worldwide at some point in their lives. There are various lower back pain remedies available in the medical market. But, there is still a lot of debate as to which is the best one around. It has been established by medical professionals that lower back pain reduces or become absolutely resolved within a month from the time it starts. This is the reason why doctors do not advise an X-Ray or an MRI within this time period.

On the other hand, chronic lower back pain is a subject of great concern. To treat this, one may require spinal surgery, nerve repair or decompression therapy. In such a condition, the patients seldom go for a single treatment. The doctors suggest some prescribed medications for all those who suffer from acute pain in their backs. A nutritionist walnut creek may refer some changes in the diet of the patient in order to improve his condition.

Depending upon what suits the patient best after studying his improvement chart, the medical practitioner may change the medicines or alter their doses. But in this case, it is important to understand that a long term intake of anti inflammatory drugs may cause damage to kidney and liver along with gastric irritation. To avoid such a situation, these medicines should only be taken only if there is a situation when they are certainly required.

Sometimes, muscle relaxants are also prescribed to take care of the lower back pain. Unless the pain is due to muscle spasms, muscle relaxants generally have little or no effect on the case. There are some really effective medicines that are quite effective but their prolonged use may increase the risk of heart stroke or heart attacks. Some other lower back pain remedies include medicines such as steroids and opioid analgesics which are prescribed for short term use only. They are referred to only such patients who have responded well to this drug in getting rid of the pain. Some patients, who avoid medications, may go in for simple treatments including TENS, heating pads, or application of topical rubs that have proved effective in relieving lower back pain.

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